How your business can move from making more noise to making a difference

Seth Godin said that advertisers in the digital space are finally spending more time and energy thinking about the places they’re advertising and wondering whether they’re simply making more noise or making a difference. 

Seth Godin is a member of the Guerrilla Marketing Hall of Fame, the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame and, just recently, the plain old no-modifier Marketing Hall of Fame.

Is your business making 

  • more noise 
  • any noise or 
  • making a difference for its ideal buyers? 

Social commerce—buying and selling products and services on or through social media platforms—where you never leave the platform when buying has a complicated history. 

It started in China, where its been boom times since day one. Billions of transactions, billions in revenue and profits. 

Many western social media platforms were going to include social commerce – then they backed out. Facebook in 2020 started with high expectations, only to cancel soon after. 

Now TikTok strives to make it easier for users to make purchases on the platform and is searching for advertisers to expand its live-shopping capabilities. 

TikTok has partnered with TalkShopLive – Axios reported that TikTok intends to “build product fulfilment centres” in the USA soon. 

Change is a constant – In August, TikTok introduced three new kinds of shopping inventory: 

  • video 
  • catalogue listing
  • “live shopping (USA only at this stage)

At this stage, there are user experience issues with a need for a seamless buyer experience. The issues to fix are growing.

  • Supply chains are logistical nightmares – as businesses get over covid challenges, adding TikTok distribution to the list makes another logistical issue to manage for retailers, 
  • Retailers see the opportunities of selling on another platform,- but they will have less analytics- less visibility into a customer’s journey, and therefore less able to improve it.
  • Add to this the signal loss impacting mobile apps from Apple’s privacy changes. 
  • As the USA recession signs begin to bite – budgets are under scrutiny, with less money to test with, 

It’s new, testing times, and it’s still in its infancy. Everyone is trying to figure out if there is a profit or not in this game – is it just more noise, or can it make a difference? 

It is time to ACCELERATE communities of PASSIONATE NEW BUYERS by fuelling and facilitating their insatiable hunger for authentic content and conversations – so your business captures enormous attention and engagement – influence and sell more.

Now the most valuable asset in the world today is attention.

The FASTEST growing businesses have one thing in common they get more attention on multiple social media platforms – every day. 

  • More attention first 
  • Next More engagement 
  • Influence and Sell More. 

Our business reflects the human truth: we are a social and human-first digital agency built on strategic narrative and pitch across platforms.

We accelerate powerful buyer insights gained through micro-content that ultimately influences actual business results. 

Your ideal buyer truth is our lifeblood – we are loyal to it, defend it and accelerate it.

There is no longer a single, generic message served to a mass audience – now drive buyer attention and revenue growth by speaking specifically and differently based on who they are, by listening and understanding more.

If you have read this far, thank you for your attention. 

There are over 170 free previous newsletters – like this one at – look for the tab – How to Influence and Sell More.

It means a lot. I hope this helped you even a little bit in better making sense of this topic. If so, please, share it with a friend who might also benefit from it. 

Thanks for reading, 
