How social selling is driving change in new car and B2B sales today

We now live in a Social Selling economy.

New car dealerships within Australia provide a deep dive, real-time, case study into how Aussies buyers are already social buying – Deloitte’s Australian Benchmarks 2021 Report.

Whilst this report is on the car industry, its findings might be similar for other large ticket purchases. And industry types – like high-value B2B.

The significant opportunity for dealer principals to capture more new buyers across Australia or within their State is easy to see.

Lead Origin
Dealership website                                 31%
Phone-ins (website phone number)     21%
Walk-ins (website solicited)                   25%
Online lead providers                              12%
Phone-in (traditional media only)            6%
Walk-ins (traditional media only)             5%

Non-digital buyers represent 11% of lead generation.

Every industry is changing: it’s a global phenomenon.

At dealerships, the gap between social selling staff and traditional staff is measured by how fast staff reply to questions from social media.

Benchmark is less than ten minutes
The average sales staff is less than two hours
The industry minimum is the same day.

An enquiry from a Twitter account to a dealership – the potential buyer, will have moved to another dealer if it took more than 10 minutes to reply – I suggest.

What is the new buyer’s orientation?

  • Referral customers         13%
  • Repeat customers          25%
  • Conquest customers     62%

Average metro dealerships (all brands) repeat customers represent only 25% of their future business.

It’s a daily battle to find and keep new car buyers.

The opportunity is for dealers to introduce social selling methodology into training and organic social media marketing to win more new buyers – 62% of the market is not loyal to any particular dealership.

At the dealership level, the budget for training as a percentage of GP% is only 0.1%. Whilst advertising is 100x more at 4.3%.

The opportunity for

  • better trained social selling staff with
  • more organic social media advertising will see
  • savings in advertising and likely improved profitability and relationships from their sales staff.

The best businesses of all sizes and industries in every country are reinventing themselves to Social Selling to win more new buyers from new markets – faster.

Social Influencing and Selling (#socialselling) – is where your ideal potential buyers walk towards your business rather than your business chasing them.

It is ethical selling – Pro-tip – if your growth strategy relies on hounding and chasing, sequenced repetitions, and an over-reliance on paid visual advertising, persuasion rather participation now, none of these steps work – the ROI has gone.

Now it is time for your business to join the Social Selling economy.

How to join –

Accelerate provides a monthly subscription social media publishing + strategy service for the implementation, optimisation and reporting ensuring success for businesses to launch and manage their social influence and selling – as either outsourced or support service provider.

Accelerates applications – automate recurring social media content generation, editing, publishing, engagement with targeted communities, benchmarking, performance analysis and reporting.
Accelerate sources, edits, research-driven, content from local and global sources to deliver thought leadership, industry news and topical content for your business’s strategic purposes.
Accelerate provides both strategy, and execution and saves businesses on average hundreds of hours a month.
No lock-in contracts.

We do everything or just a little – you choose. Visit for pricing and services.

Increasing your share of voice and engagement – maximises influence, revenue and market dominance.

The average results are

2x more organic posts,
Save hundreds of hours a month
144x more engagement
3x faster sales cycles,
2x lift in conversions
typically 1/2 the price of our competitors.
5x ROI: every dollar invested in social selling returns $5 on average – a global survey of 47,000 SDRs

All for one low monthly price (choose the subscription to fit your budget – we can specially tailor one for your needs) all subscriptions include monthly strategy sessions. Visit for pricing and more information.

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