How B2B businesses win more attention and engagement with their ideal buyers

How B2B businesses win more attention and engagement with their ideal buyers

Strategic Marketing

The average buyer decides every 8 seconds – will I keep reading? 

It is challenging work – how to rise above the noise – keep the attention of your ideal buyers – so you can engage with them. 

Check out the following tactics to see if they work for your business. 


96% of B2B marketers that use influencers consider their programs successful.

A HubSpot survey found that 58% of B2B marketers plan on increasing their investment in TikTok for 2022 vs. 49% of B2C brands. 


Why the shift? The statistics from B2B marketers have found success with the following:

  • 96% that used influencers consider their program to be successful,
  • 74% agree that influencer marketing improves buyer and prospect experience,
  • 63% agree that marketing would perform with better results if it included a B2B influencer program, 

What is holding your business back? 

Gift with purchase is a powerful incentive, particularly for B2C businesses. 

Now: Corporate Gifting: Wins and keeps more buyers.

During the pandemic, global B2B gifting more than doubled – now it keeps on delivering. 

Global change – more businesses have been spending more on gifts for current and future clients

The problem: traditional points-based loyalty schemes are poorly performing, slower and more challenging to administer.

B2B gifting is the new customer win over and keeps strategy – it increases ROI, referrals and returning buyers.

Performance – By the numbers 

  • ROI – 28% on lapsed buyers,
  • 36% lift in referral rates,
  • 19% lift in buyers returning within 90 days of gifting, 

Omni-channel buying: no matter their industry, country, size or buyer relationship stage – there are now no exceptions – every buyer wants more digital omnichannel buying opportunities – source McKinsey Co.

Omni-channel selling: is now a 15-plus channel world – email, in-person, social media outreach, website, landing pages, zoom, organic and paid social media, sales chatbot, Google search, PPC, mobility marketing, and Apps, to name just a few. 

More Omni-channels = more sales – there are no exceptions. 

  • 70% of your ideal potential buyers with a transaction size up to $500,000 see little need to meet in person. 

But there is one exception – Direct Mail (physical mail) Marketing has now returned to higher performance levels. 

Why – it breaks the pattern – who receives hand-addressed envelopes via snail mail anymore? 

A long lost friend, relative or who? So there is an excitement of solving who is this? So opening a physical letter has a higher return. 

  • Direct mail volumes have lifted 34% from 2020
  • Corporate direct mail marketing budgets have increased by 191% from 2020 to 2021
  • 84% of marketers see a dramatic increase in ROI and conversion rates


Key considerations

  • The envelope looks handwritten – that is unusual impact – is critical,  
  • Few people receive physical mail today, 
  • When everyone zigs, it’s time to zag – when competition and ROI are brutal with paid advertising – returning to the basics now works better.


  • Average ROI for direct mail circa 30%
  • Response rates are typically between 5 to 9%, with digital around 2% – that’s triple the ROI on average. 

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