Advanced Demand Generation: How to improve reporting, performance and profitability

Are there gaps in your reporting? 

The following is your checklist for getting more performance and insights from your investment in sales and marketing. 

The more comprehensive you’re reporting, the more likely you will get approval on budget allocation for the best ROI areas. 

I suggest brutal honest reporting is a must. Highlight your best results but also your weaknesses. 

Reporting – What is the minimum performance and results reporting the business needs? Are there advantages to widening reporting? 

Are your reporting 

  • Revenue Operations (marketing and sales) 
  • Sales or
  • Marketing,

Reporting for leadership varies

  • 1/2 daily – the direct team – all the detail,
  • weekly – direct leadership – less detail
  • monthly – board and senior leadership – high level, brevity and punchy, from time to time (quarterly) provide detailed deep dives, 

Measure what is important.

Typically your reporting would include 

  • Your marketing strategy – goals and projected outcomes, actual results, commentary on gaps in performance, 
  • Ideal buyers, personas, targets, any recent market research – summary, 
  • Current campaigns, promotions and events, goals, ROI, performance to date, 
  • Paid social media advertising performance
  • Organic social media performance
  • Email campaigns performance
  • Goals – any proposed change(s) to goals
  • Expected outcomes – commentary around current performance to date and likely change over the next reporting period, 
  • Brand equity reporting, if the information is available, 
  • Competitor activity – changes in their performance – impacting your business, 
  • Potential opportunities to explore are new channels, technologies, campaigns,

Your reporting of potential opportunities might include the following, 

  • Why is xyz an ample opportunity right now, and how to take advantage of this, 
  • What does the landscape of your industry look like at the moment? 
  • What major deals or acquisitions have occurred since the last report and why?
  • Is there a better business model? Is there a way to improve performance and outcomes with changes to the model? 
  • Who are the significant players worth paying attention to in the industry? Will you include their reporting as well? 

Your reporting should tie results to your company’s bottom line. An investment in X delivered a lift in Y. 

Forward-looking reporting – commentary on the current strategy and goals. How you’re planning to meet your next-period goals?

Deep dives

From time to time – every quarter, for example, you might present in more significant detail changes to 

  • Audience demographics, ideal buyers, personas, 
  • Performance reporting by demographics,  
  • Competitors reporting their strengths and weaknesses,
  • Are there any new market segments that you’re exploring? 

Website performance

  • Website performance KPIs include visitors, sessions, new vs returning visitors, conversions, bounce rate, and page load time.
  • Landing pages performance, conversions, traffic and heatmaps, 
  • Channel performance
  • Which of your channels is performing best? 
  • Which channel(s) are performing best or worse? Channel performance KPIs – best acquisition channels, cost per acquisition – CPA, budget attainment, and return on marketing investment – ROMI, 

Marketing channels

  • Which channels perform best? – email, SEO, organic social media, paid social media, Adwords, retargeting, phone, in-person. 

Paid advertising

  • Reporting might include last year, this year, and year to date, for spending, vs budget and results- revenue, 
  • Did the changes in lead generation improve last year vs this year?
  • Report ROI,  
  • Include platform analytics – Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter, and Google Ads, 
  • Year-over-year performance,
  • Compare your KPIs with previous years, 

Reporting is visual

A picture tells your story faster – it takes thirteen milliseconds for our brains to process an image—sixty thousand times faster than processing text. 

Reduce complexity with tables, graphs, and charts. 

Understanding your current opportunities and gaps is vital to improving your performance. 

This 8-minute professional scorecard identifies how to be more profitable and sell more with less waste. 

It scores your business based on your answers against your best performance and any opportunities. 

If selling more goods and services online and improving your ROI is essential, this free quiz – provides a complete custom blueprint for improving all aspects. 

Based on The Balanced Growth Scorecard – the quiz measures the five critical accelerators and scores each with an overall score for your business. Find where your business is unbalanced – why it is and how to fix it quickly. 

Take the quiz now…