Advanced Growth Advanced Growth Checklist: Is your business ready for increased competition?

Your checklist

Differentiation and repositioning

Every business to sell more is better differentiated from its competitors – make it easier, faster and simpler for potential new buyers to say – yes; I will buy. 

If your business looks, sounds, and acts like your competitors – there needs to be better differentiation and positioning. 

If your business is

  • professional services, 
  • recruitment, 
  • real estate
  • retail 
  • funeral director

For any business, you must stand up and rise above the noise of the market – the right way. Splashing yellow paint over a funeral director’s business – is a catastrophe. 

Where to start? Professionally it is a long list of research, time and experience to find suitable blue oceans. 

If you are DIY internally, start outside your industry and look at how early successful startups are building growth – look for transferrable information. 

Fast-growing startups spend cautiously and test and learn quickly – so there may be some good insights – for free. 

Trial, test and test with organic social media in real-time – post hundreds of posts a day to get honest feedback from the market. If your potential buyers are not – clicking, sharing, or commenting – move on to the next iteration. Note – there is a science to trial and testing – follow the science. 

Trial and testing require organic posts on social media platforms with traffic to landing pages. 

High-performing landing pages require 

  • Hero section —the headline, graphic and sub-headline are critical for performance. 
  • It is vital to test multiple versions of each element – copy, new graphic, a hierarchy of benefits,
  • Answer your ideal buyer’s Why. Why should I only buy from your business rather than from your competitors? It is generally section two or three after the hero section. 
  • Trust and credibility section. It includes adding social proof and quotes from buyers that demonstrate value, awards, and media attention, 
  • Buy section – what is your call to action? To sell, for potential buyers to book a call? Be clear and be ultra clear on why they should click. To improve the outcome, build the scales of conversion – make it impossible for them to say no. 


Conversion improvement options 

  • Gift with click or purchase, 
  • Donation to a public cause, with click or purchase,  
  • Bonus for a limited time with click or purchase, 

With the landing pages in action, the next step is to collect email addresses and provide valuable content for potential buyers via email. 

Email conversions

You will probably have a series that looks something like this.

If its e-commerce,

    • Welcome, or thank you, 
    • Post-purchase information, how to use it,  
    • Abandon cart,
    • Abandon checkout,

If it is subscriptions

    • Post-subscription, thank you
    • Information about services – other options, 
    • live events
    • Subscription reminder update 

Interesting fact. 

40% of Gen Z use Instagram and | or TikTok when they search – not Google Maps or Google search.

The critical elements of digital selling success are 

  1. Be more trusted and credible,
  2. Be crystal clear on your WHY, 
  3. Expand your Why into an elevator pitch and strategic storytelling of a story the way the best-selling books and movies of all time – increase your brand recognition on average 22 x more, 
  4. Social selling – your ideal buyers are there – why arent you? 
  5. Strategic marketing – the more omnichannel you use, the greater your market share – no exceptions. 

Test your business with this gap analysis – in 8 minutes, you will have a deep dive blueprint into your opportunities and gaps to grow faster – it is free!