Your 2023 growth challenge: Is your business set up for V-commerce?

How we shop and interact with retailers is changing as technology leaps forward. 


It’s not just retailers – all shopfront businesses – professional services, car retailers – the world appears to be in another rapid change period. 

A quick trip around the UK – where online retail has one of the highest penetrations in the western world shows the future for bricks and mortar retail. Empty shops everywhere: it is worse in smaller population centres. Shops become houses on high streets – never to be retail shops again. 

Across the western world – you don’t have to travel far to find empty shops unable to find tenants. 


The Metaverse, a virtual reality space where people can interact with one another and buy products and services, is leaping ahead: V-commerce (virtual commerce) is a V-commerce site that provides an example of how to move from e-commerce to include v-commerce. provides a range of features and tools to help businesses revolutionise their e-commerce operations into virtual. 

  • Create virtual storefronts that are fully customisable to the specific needs of their business, 
  • 3D product visualisation, 
  • Personalised product recommendations,
  • Interactive shopping experiences,
  • Virtual trying on products,
  • Paying and arranging the delivery, 

‘The impact of the Metaverse on the e-commerce market is estimated to be between $2 trillion and $2.6 trillion by 2030.”


The promise: V-commerce has the potential to transform the retail industry – now, no physical staff are required. 

Retailers will create immersive and personalised V-shopping experiences as potential buyers move seamlessly from social media to virtual retail. 

The advantage – reach a global audience – not just your local audience. 


The four advantages of V-Commerce are 

  1. Immersive shopping experiences: Retailers can use the Metaverse to create virtual reality shopping experiences – browse and purchase products from anywhere in the world.
  2. Design and testing: Retailers can use V-commerce to design and test new store layouts and merchandise displays. 
  3. Customer analytics: Retailers can use V-commerce to track and analyse customer behaviour and preferences. 
  4. Inventory management and supply chain optimisation: V-commerce is a no-waste approach – virtual stock optimisation and supply chain operations claims you can fully customise the virtual buyer journey to enhance engagement, resulting in 45% lower bounce rates than traditional e-commerce.

What is your strategy? 

As we move closer to June 30 – what is your business’s strategic planning process? 

Have you included – V.Commerce? 


The Metaverse and v-commerce offer a range of opportunities and risks. 

Your future strategy requires understanding the dynamics of the environment by thinking through and beyond the obvious to find new commercial income streams. 

Are you engaging your business in the process of mutual discovery of potential new income streams, improving the current income streams and streamlining your processes? 

Are you inspiring it to be forward-looking and grasp new growth opportunities? 

The key we have found is to anticipate emerging issues and weak signals that may either derail existing plans or provide new opportunities – not previously considered. 

It is time to use the future to change the present. 

