Why buyers hate advertising:how to gain more revenue and drop your expenses now

The problem: People hate advertising,


“… said Joanna Coles, the former chief content officer of Hearst Magazines, during a session at the Advertising Week conference in New York. 

“And it’s all advertisers’ fault.”


Seated next to her, nodding in agreement, was Marc Pritchard, the chief brand officer at Procter & Gamble, one of the largest advertisers in the world. 

He said ads are often irrelevant and sometimes “just silly, ridiculous or stupid.”


Currently, marketing works the same way as a world war. It is about finding and carpet-bombing your potential buyers with paid advertising everywhere, all the time. 


The hope is that their ideal buyers will buy more – justifying a return on the marketing investment.

The better solution is to stop chasing and let your ideal buyers walk towards your business instead. 


ATTENTION is the most valuable asset today in the world. 


Now it’s possible to gain more attention, influence and engagement with your ideal buyers across social media to sell more online and in-store. 

It’s called Social Selling (#socialselling). Social Influencing and Selling – this is where your ideal potential buyers walk towards your business rather than your business chasing them.

Start with an organic social selling strategy in building a demand generation campaign(s). It’s a people-first approach. 


Organic posts strategy is how your business can – Influence and Sell more without paid advertising.


  • Actively look for where platforms significantly underprice the cost of acquiring attention for your market segments, 
  • Significant opportunities exist with low competition and low-cost acquisition strategies for many verticals. 
  • Know the height of your business’s distribution wall—Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln, YouTube and many others – how many organic posts it will require to – be seen by your ideal buyers and heard more – than your competitors daily. Never be invisible. 


Recent Research: Investment in Social Selling methodology and systems returns for businesses, on average, five dollars for every dollar invested. That results from a survey of 47,000 Sales Representatives across 200 businesses across many countries. 

Your potential buyers want to engage with your business first on social media platforms. 


Social engagement and conversations are the – likes, shares, and comments from your organic posts across the top five social media platforms.

Your social media organic posts generate. 

  • More attention leads to 
  • Social media engagement – Direct mail, likes, shares and so on, 
  • Leading to more conversations sharing more information leading to 
  • Zoom meetings and to
  • Sell-more, 

Engagement and conversations – with your ideal prospective buyers is the critical success indicator for Social Selling strategy. 


  • Turn real-time engagement and conversations on social media into big-time revenue, 
  • Grow your pipeline faster than before,
  • Get a front-row seat on your sales team’s performance on Social Selling and your sales pipeline,
  • Continuous improvement from data analytics.

The FASTEST growing businesses have one thing in common they get more attention on multiple social media platforms – every day. 

  • They gain ideal buyer attention first, 
  • Next, gain more engagement,
  • Then Influence and Sell More,

Is your business ready to join the Social Selling economy?


How much new revenue – selling complex, high-value I.T. equipment, B2B can a business gain in 6 months? 


The answer in this large study – is over 200 new transactions from deploying social selling methodologies. (see the graphic at the top of this page)

In other news – PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) plans to invest $1 billion in generative A.I. technology in its U.S. operations over the next three years to save money.

The accounting and consulting firm will work with Microsoft and ChatGPT-maker OpenAI to automate aspects of its 

  • tax, 
  • audit, 
  • business consulting services,
  • and advising other companies on how to use generative A.I. to follow in PWCs footsteps, 

PWC will use the technology to save time and labour costs, 


  • Quickly write reports, 
  • Prepare compliance documents, 
  • Analyse and evaluate business strategies, 
  • Identify inefficiencies in operations or 
  • Create marketing materials and sales campaigns,
  • Client information discovery and retrieval of files,
  • Accounting, 
  • Tax preparation, 
  • Auditing and other financial services will likely be more productive, says PWC,

Read the WSJ article here.

