What the new accelerators of growth to influence and sell more in 2023

What is moving the revenue needle and building high-performing revenue growth channels to influence and sell more in 2023? 

Rev.Ops. (Revenue operations) has changed more over the past two years than in the previous twenty. 

 But a lack of 

  • Time,
  • Resources, 
  • Siloed departments and data, 
  • Tired legacy systems, 
  • No – one source of truth – data that is not able to tell the whole story, 
  • Falling ROI from Facebook and Google – due to privacy and Apple IOS changes – 92% of Apple customers choose Do Not Track privacy settings globally. 

The world of RevOps has arrived at a point where – What worked yesterday won’t work today. 

What is next? 

  • With a recession expected next year – 70% of Chief Marketing Officers predict their marketing budgets will begin to shrink in the next year and the years after – now it’s all about doing more with less. 
  • With more data and technology that aren’t connected or talking to each other – businesses are drowning in data but need more ROI insights – more specialist teams will evolve. 
  • The way people buy continues to become more complex and multidimensional. Now it is a 15-plus omnichannel marketing and revenue playbook – more channels = more revenue. Yet multichannel marketing is complex work. 
  • Lift ROI potential with absolute clarity on precisely who your core buyers are. 
  • Revenue as a service (RaaS) business model is just around the corner – where Rev.Ops guarantee revenue growth. A combination of next-generation products, services and guaranteed revenue.

RevOps, which scales businesses from performance marketing, technology and sales, new business models will soon burst onto the scene. 

They will be maniacally obsessed with ROI and performance. Is your business ready? 

It is time to ACCELERATE communities of PASSIONATE NEW BUYERS by fuelling and facilitating their insatiable hunger for authentic content and conversations – so your business captures enormous attention and engagement – influence and sell more.

Now the most valuable asset in the world today is attention.

The FASTEST growing businesses have one thing in common they get more attention on multiple social media platforms – every day. 

  • More attention first 
  • Next More engagement 
  • Influence and Sell More. 

Our business reflects the human truth: we are a social and human-first digital agency built on strategic narrative and pitch across platforms.

We accelerate powerful buyer insights gained through micro-content that ultimately influences actual business results. 

Your ideal buyer truth is our lifeblood – we are loyal to it, defend it and accelerate it.

There is no longer a single, generic message served to a mass audience – now drive buyer attention and revenue growth by speaking specifically and differently based on who they are, by listening and understanding more.

If you have read this far, thank you for your attention. 

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It means a lot. I hope this helped you even a little bit in better making sense of this topic. If so, please, share it with a friend who might also benefit from it. 

Thanks for reading, 
