Research: How to Win an election and Sell More have the same critical DNA – learn more.

We, humans, have mostly stayed the same for 100,000 years.

Values and trust innately drive us.

If you want to change whom you buy from (or vote for), first change how your business builds Trust with your ideal buyer or voter.

If you understand and align the values of any segment with your campaign (election or business), this segment of people is magnetically drawn into your campaign. I have previously written about the significant work of – David Allison. It is worthwhile understanding this more.

Human values are now a predictive business insight.

Allison says, “Valuegraphics identifies how to get the yes you want from the people you need to engage. Guesswork is eliminated – it is a fundamental disruption in how organisations look at people. And what it means to be values-driven.”

It’s simple

  • You can’t be friends with someone you cannot trust.
  • You won’t buy from a business you do not trust – first.
  • Similarly, you will only vote for a political party (candidate) if you trust them – first.

The Federal Liberal Party has suffered a crippling loss in the Aston by-election in early April, losing their once safe seat in Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs to Labor – the first time a government has won a seat from the opposition at a federal by-election since 1920.

Why did they lose?


Roy Morgan’s research data has consistently shown that the Liberal Party, its leaders and many M.P.s and candidates suffer deep levels of Distrust.

A Roy Morgan Snap SMS Poll before the recent N.S.W. election showed the Liberal-National Coalition recorded a Net Distrust Score (% Trust – % Distrust) of -21. The A.L.P. had a net distrust of -1.

A.N.U., which tracks voters’ decision-making over many elections, has found that 69% of voters decide whom to vote for based on their policies. Another 7% vote based on the leader another 7% based on the local candidate.

However, Trust plays a critical disruptor role.

Voters ask themselves – will the policies be carried out if they are elected?
The Liberals with no Trust left with voters means no significant policies will win them elections now.
The Liberals have lost their once-significant brand equity.

The Liberals consistently say that they have a marketing problem – they dont only have a marketing problem – all elements of their organisation have collapsed. A transformation is the only solution.

Roy Morgan C.E.O. Michele Levine says polling before recent elections show that without Trust, a candidate or party will struggle to win – but when distrusted, they lose quickly.

Google and potential buyers weigh a business’s expertise, authority and trustworthiness (E.A.T.). Google measures some two hundred-plus touchpoints of every business and scores them. SEO – sending more free traffic to your business in person or online relies on your business’s E.A.T. scores.

Now the most urgent and profitable focus for a business (or political party) is gaining more Trust, credibility, and authority – first. Without accelerating Trust, there is no profitable future.

Humans, by their very nature, value trust, purpose, and integrity so highly that it is fundamental to everything we do.

Today, after price, Trust is the most significant decision your ideal buyers face across all age brackets, countries, income levels and gender.

Accelerating your business (political parties)Trust is the new currency for faster growth and winning more votes.

How does your business rank on Net Trust and Net Distrust?
Is your business managing and accelerating growth in the drivers of Trust and, importantly, the Drivers of Distrust today?
Has your business (political party) developed a strategy that delivers sustainable, long-term increased results for customers, shareholders and staff with increasing Trust, Credibility and authority?

If not, we at Accelerate can assist now.

