Lead Generation: Is getting $5 back for every dollar invested a good return?

Be smart – Be prepared – a recession for the next year or two is highly likely. 

Double down now on building better growth loops, improving lead generation and building a best-in-class approach to new revenue growth. 

Technology company retrenchments so far this year are sober reading, 

  1. Twitter: 50%
  2. Cameo: 25%
  3. Robinhood: 23%
  4. Intel: 20% 
  5. Snapchat: 20%
  6. Coinbase: 18%
  7. Opendoor: 18%
  8. Stripe: 14%
  9. Lyft: 13%
  10. Shopify: 10% 

The following is a social media improvement checklist. 

Social media channels and proven social selling methodologies are fertile ground for brand promotion and large-scale lead generation. 

Fewer startups and small and medium businesses use social media listening tools. 

What is a social listening tool, and why do you need it?

Social media listening tools are digital solutions used for 

  • tracking multiple brand (competitors) metrics on social media in real-time,
  • they measure across all or many social media platforms – brand mentions, followers’ engagement, buyer attitude to a brand or a product, target audience segmentation and many others,
  • they measure the success of your marketing campaigns on social media,
  • track activities and marketing campaigns of your competitors,
  • find new social media marketing strategies,
  • find top influencers in your business vertical on each social media platform,
  • explains how to improve your product or marketing campaigns,
  • measures brand reputation – especially during a crisis,
  • identifies how to improve your SEO performance on your website
  • know the latest trends in your business vertical and niche, 

Of course, the adage – hand a person a toolbox doesn’t mean they can hammer in a nail … More data, analysis, and time invested can lead to procrastination and no new insights. 

Business leaders – where to focus your time

Start with Historical data.

  • Viewing data by history – understanding the trends is vital, 
  • Track your content performance and measure your campaign results, 
  • View the demographics of your audience. Are there gaps and opportunities compared to your competitors? 
  • View your and your competitor’s followers – are there unexplainable differences? Understand why?
  • Measure your market share – social media is called share of voice – it is a compound measure that shows how much of your brand’s market share – is compared to your competitors. 

Go deeper on – attention and engagement reporting. 

Capturing your ideal buyer’s attention (tip: critical to know first who your ideal buyers are) is the key. Once you have buyer attention at scale, you can improve engagement in real-time campaigns – within hours, you can see if there is a success. Then pivot, test and run continuous improvement each day. 

Social selling opportunities

We now live in a Social Selling economy. Every industry is changing: it’s a global phenomenon.

Social Influencing and Selling (#socialselling) – this is where your ideal potential buyers walk towards your business rather than your business chasing them. 

It starts with improving your ideal 

  • Buyers attention, 
  • engagement, 
  • Influence and sell more, 

An investment in Social Selling returns, on average, five dollars for every dollar invested. That results from a survey of 47,000 Sales Reps across 200 businesses – across multiple countries.