How to win more buyers now with video – the complete analysis

How to win more buyers now 


  • Create a single source of truth – ensure you have a single complete dashboard of the critical insights needed to operate your business, 
  • Add professional sales & marketing resources and support without dedicated teams; it’s almost impossible to grow faster, 
  • Diversify your acquisition channels; if more than 30% of your leads are from one source – this is a risk, 
  • Add a Video to explain more about each critical education step, 

What do 1500 marketers think of how vital Video is to them today? 


Wiistia produced a STATE OF VIDEO REPORT for 2023 – Over 80 million Videos were reviewed and analysed to bring you insights – first, businesses know that Video is essential; only 43% surveyed had a video-specific strategy. 

Most respondents are marketers at small businesses with 0-50 staff (44%) and 51-200 (22%) employees.

Industry breakdown were software, marketing/media/entertainment, education, consulting companies, healthcare, construction, finance and retail,


What did 1500 marketers think success with Video looked like, 


  • Increase conversions in the sales cycle (ranked number one priority)
  • Increase website traffic,
  • Increase in social engagement, sharing, and followers,
  • Increase in dwell time on page,
  • Improved SEO ranking,
  • More businesses allocated at least 10% of their marketing budget to Video,
  • 69% of businesses said they were most likely or very likely to make more videos this year,
  • Only 5% of businesses had not made videos,
  • A third of businesses created videos weekly, with the balance creating monthly,
  • The majority of videos are less than 60 seconds in duration,  
  • The segment of five to 30-minute videos remains the most popular year after year – 36% growth for videos under 30 minutes.
  • Videos above 30 minutes saw over 11,000% growth over the past decade, 


The most engaging videos – how much view time is the most critical performance indicator.


1. Product videos – education of ideal buyers videos earned the most engagement and return on investment, 

2. Educational videos – new to Video? Wiistia suggests you start with product explainer videos, webinars, and videos that answer a frequently asked question, 

3. Going live – 80% of marketers held live events in 2022. Webinars were the most popular – 60% of businesses said they hosted them last year, the opportunity only 15% of brands streamed on social platforms,

4. Captions 75% of businesses reported prioritising captions within their video content.

5. Best performing social media platforms for engagement are LinkedIn and YouTube. 

6. Measuring engagement videos up to five minutes, audiences will watch about 50% of the content.

1-3 minutes – 47% average engagement

3-5 minutes – 46% average engagement.

5-30 minutes – 16% of viewers will consume more than an hour,

30-60 minutes, 26% average engagement

Over 60 minutes, 38% average engagement

7. Measuring conversions – Calls to Action – book a call, average around 10%, viewers are more willing than ever to give businesses their email addresses in return for high-value video content, 

8. Optimum time to place your CTA (Call to Action request) is best in the middle of the Video, 

Future-looking businesses are planning to 


  • Make webinars a more significant part of their video strategy, 
  • Aim to increase conversions, grow ideal buyers, and raise brand awareness,
  • Join TikTok and create an original video series,
  • Increase the number of social media videos, specific shorts, to at least three a day,
  • create bite-sized customer testimonials and support videos to promote on social and through email
  • start a LinkedIn series to share thoughts, 
  • more creative videos for Instagram and Facebook, 

What are your business’s Demand Generation strategies? 

Are they working? Where are your gaps?