How to to win the hearts and minds of shoppers: 6000 interviews.

How to win the hearts and minds of shoppers: build the best story consistently across all channels. That’s what buyers want today 24×7 – says a survey of 6,000 US, UK, and German shoppers from inriver_inside_the_mind_of_an_online_shopper 2

The principal focus of the survey was how high performing e-commerce businesses integrate storytelling across product descriptions that fold from their overarching strategic narrative. 

We now live in a social selling economy. 

The best businesses of all sizes and industries in every country are reinventing themselves to Social Selling to win more new buyers from new markets – faster.

The rapid global changes in targeting, reporting, optimisation, measurement and all elements of digital marketing are often at odds with the simple human needs for storytelling.

Regardless of your business type, 

  • Professional services, 
  • Accommodation
  • Retail, 
  • Franchisor
  • Distribution and so on. 

To effectively differentiate your business from its competitors, and 

  • Communicating your solutions with a strategic narrative is critical to faster growth. 

Today the collection and optimisation of first, second, and third-party data that integrates into customer data platforms for targeting businesses with Account-Based Marketing and Account-Based Engagement all seem a long way from the need to be more human to Influence and Sell More. 

The fractures are evident in rapid changes to organisational design. 

With CEOs and boards recognising a more strategic approach for 

  • sales, 
  • marketing, 
  • the voice and success of the customer 
  • Online + offline

requiring a new approach with a new role of Chief Revenue Operations. 

What are Revenue Operations? 

Gartner predicts that 75% of the highest growth companies in the world will deploy a revenue operations model by 2025. 

RevOps centralises sales operations, marketing operations, customer success operations and systems into one operation system reporting to the CEO.

Rev Ops is also driving changes to strategy creation and ownership. 

Customers, clients, visitors, and buyers want your offer told as a story – a strategic narrative. Not: as an advertisement. 

This further drives the end of the unworkable Mission and Vision statements. 

Their replacement is  

  • strategic narrative and 
  • strategic pitch. 

They tell a bigger story than just your product and services with your ideal buyer – the hero in their journey that finds your business is the right solution for them. 

The structure of the strategic narrative is the same as in the best selling books and movies of all time. The advantages include 

  •  attention, 
  • engagement and 
  • selling more. 

Is your business match fit to grow total shareholder returns? 

  • Is the organisational structure fit for today? 
  • Do Mission and Vision statements provide the daily north star direction in all that you do on a day to day basis? 
  • Are you applying best practices in all customer-facing narratives? Product descriptions, strategy, pitch? 
  • Is social selling methodology at the core of scaling and growing more new buyers? 

Accelerate provides a monthly subscription social media publishing + strategy service for the implementation, optimisation and reporting ensuring success for businesses to launch and manage their social influence and sell more – as either outsourced or support service provider. visit for further information – 

Increasing your share of voice and engagement – maximises influence, revenue and market dominance.  

If you have read this far, thank you for your attention. It means a lot. I hope this helped you even a little bit in better making sense of this topic. 

If so – please share it with a friend.

Thanks for reading, 
