How to sell more – your sales and marketing solution

Across the world, for over a century, this marketing framework has sought to explain the buying process. 

It was first created in 1898 by St. Elmo Lewis – it is called the AIDA marketing framework:

  • Awareness — capturing your ideal buyer’s attention, they are aware of your category, brand, or product and services,
  • Interest — your ideal buyers engage, learn more about the benefits of your offers
  • Desire — The buyer’s education leads them towards the intent to purchase,
  • Action — The buyer’s purchases, 

It describes an ever-increasingly complex issue – how to sell more consistently. 

 Strategies and tactics AIDA – that work 

First – your marketing must specifically speak to segments of a market. Just two possibilities from a hundred –

  • potential buyers who know everything about your business and can’t wait to make a purchase, 
  • OR potential buyers who need to educate before making a purchase.

Knowing the segments – allows you to tailor the right messages – landing pages, and content to help potential buyers move further through the funnel. 

What is a funnel – it is a framework that seeks to explain how potential buyers become aware, gain interest, engage and purchase. The funnel framework – has a wide mouth at the top and gets narrower as money changes hands. 

Examples of tactics 

Top of the Funnel

  • Influence and attention campaigns — creating social media content (video, written, audio) and posting it across social media, emails, and websites. Content velocity is a critical element – too few posts a day – your business is invisible. 
  • Mobility campaigns – influencing your competitor’s customers as they exit their stores across any geographic area – with win-over campaigns – often has a high Return on Investment, 
  • Shared marketing — Accountants and Solicitors promote each other, water bottles promote home-delivered food and vice versa.  
  • Podcasts – are often an exercise in educating potential buyers and capturing attention and engagement.
  • SEO — if your business is a start-up, SEO is a long-term payback. 

Middle of the Funnel

  • Organic social — most buying decisions include viewing a business’s social media channels first. (Instagram, Linkedln, TikTok, Twitter, and so on) Organic social is a trust asset – if it is the right content for your ideal buyer segments.
  • Public Relations — is vital in building trust with potential buyers quickly. Published media releases on news outlets rapidly improve trustability. (Our alliance with over 2000 global publishers provides our clients with rapid responses to build trust quickly)
  • Email marketing — done well – educating potential buyers has a high ROI in conjunction with many other elements. 

Bottom of the Funnel – potential buyers are warm to hot to buy, 

  • Discounts and promotions — for some businesses – a short time frame to save X% can significantly impact lifting conversions. 
  • Specific content — don’t waste a word – answer the five main questions buyers often want to know – or confirm before purchase.
    1. What is it I am buying?
    2. How will it benefit me?
    3. What problem(s) does it solve?
    4. Why is this the best option on the market?
    5. How quickly can I get it, and when will it fix my problem?
    6. How much does it cost?

The problems

  • Few business leaders want to be marketing directors,
  • Few businesses grow without a thorough toolbox of sales and marketing levers – to grow revenue,
  • Leaders want others to manage and be accountable for their sales and marketing with guaranteed outcomes, 
  • Most businesses grow in a topsy-turvy way – their tyres are flat on some wheels and over-inflated on others – they are out of balance. 
  • Know and fix your businesses imbalances first – get a balanced foundation – then accelerate marketing and sales, 
  • The more a business deploys multiple sales and marketing channels (omnichannel), the bigger the market share gains. – no exceptions, 
  • Omnichannel selling is now a fifteen-plus-channel world – email, in-person, and phone. Website, organic social media channels, Google search, Sales chatbots on websites, outbound social leads generation video conference (zoom), to name a few, 

The solutions 

  1. Find out how out of balance your business is with this Advanced Lead Generation Quiz. Completed within ten minutes – you get a comprehensive gap analysis and blueprint on how the best grow faster. Get your scores and know what and how to fix your problems. 
  2. B2B Lead Generation – your business may qualify for guaranteed lead generation results. A consistent supply of high-quality leads. First, take the Advanced Lead Generation Quiz to understand your growth blockers and market segments,

Thanks for reading 
