How to reverse-engineer your best competitors’ strategy and execution to sell more

How to reverse-engineer your best competitors’ strategy and execution to sell more

Most markets are oversaturated with competitive pressures. 

Some are so competitive that marketing agencies will not onboard a business – every angle is already covered – if they do – the chances of remaining a client for any length of time – due to little or no growth – is costly for all parties. 

Best practices – the result of reverse-engineering what has worked for the best businesses in the world in near-real-time is the competitive edge that many agencies are yet to deploy. 

Technology breakthroughs allow businesses of any size to sell more. Now search the top 1% of all campaigns for your industry. Search

  • any industry 
  • any country 
  • for the top 1% best performing marketing campaigns
  • today, this week, this year or ever. 

The campaigns with the most 

  • likes, 
  • shares, 
  • comments, 
  • most traffic clicking their Call To Action buttons
  • most revenue. 

With the ability for practitioners to reverse engineer their 

  • landing pages performance
  • headlines, the creative and content (copywritng) performance
  • social media performance – organic 
  • paid advertising traffic performance 

A business’s strategy is its story. 

Reverse engineering their 

  • strategy, 
  • strategic narrative and 
  • strategic pitch

Gained from their websites when added to their campaigns – provides an evidence-based approach to building high-performance businesses. 

At this stage, the idea of plagiarism, copyright, trademark infringements and lawyers might appear in your thinking. 

Knowing what works – fundamentals of why what and how the top 1% of campaigns work so effectively – should not mean wholesale copying. 

It is wrong to do so.

But best practices across the world provide valuable insights and a high-performance framework that can 

  • save millions of dollars, and 
  • years of trial and error, 
  • delivering the highest ROI at speed. 

The data is near-real-time – being updated every couple of hours means nothing is left to chance. 

A recent search for a multi-country, bricks and mortar retail group comparing their social media campaign performance found some interesting insights. 

Their best performing organic posts gained nine likes over the previous 12 months. 

A startup up online-only competitors performance ( they didn’t realise the business existed) best performing organic post over the previous 12 months had gained 

  • thousands of comments

Every share is free advertising – sent to say – look at this offer! 

The market rules remain the same – 

  • awareness first, be seen more, be heard more,
  • engage more that drives intent to buy –  
  • educate more – and sell more. 

Charlie from our machine learning and artificial intelligence department does the job of thousands of people in a fraction of time, for a fraction of the cost. 


Now you can place a bet that revenue growth – selling more – is more predictable than at any time in the history of the world. 

Accelerate provides a monthly subscription social media publishing + strategy service for the implementation, optimisation and reporting ensuring success for businesses to launch and manage their social influence and selling – as either outsourced or support service provider.

If you have read this far, thank you for your attention. It means a lot. I hope this helped you even a little bit in better making sense of this topic. If so please share it with a friend who might also benefit from it. 

Thanks for reading, 
