How to improve your online selling – your checklist now.

Your checklist to solve why potential buyers are not buying more online


Rule one: It is almost always about – how you communicate. 

Rule two: Your ideal buyers have yet to learn and trust your business. 

Your offer(s) needs clarity: potential buyers need to know why – they should only buy from your business and how your solution solves their problem. 

Confusion starts: with marketing speak – content and copywriting – meets your product or service. 




First, list the most extensive verifiable, measurable deliverables your business delivers. (facts) into a spreadsheet column – numbered from most significant at the top. 

  • saves 22%
  • increases XYZ by 15%      

Second, list the narrative – how to tie the measurable deliverables into a strategic narrative in a second spreadsheet column – a sentence or two that connects facts to your narrative. 

Third,  review the first and second columns – check whether this reason (narrative) stimulates the conclusion – I want (need) it now.

Fourth, having completed your competitor review does your offer on the spreadsheet give your business exclusivity – I can’t get this offer from any other business.

Fifth, can the offer – have a limited time, limited availability credibly applied to it? 

Summary: Buyer clarity ALWAYS wins over persuasion. 

To achieve this, highlight how your business can deliver to your ideal buyer deliverable facts—supported by your strategic narrative (buyers don’t want an advert – explain your offer as part of a larger narrative – tell your story that is bigger than just your products and services). 

The outcome must be – I want your offer now – I can’t get it anywhere else – it’s for a limited time – I have to act now. 

If you offer a landing page campaign – the above framework is the same – it’s a story of one offer on your spreadsheet. 

• ONE best solution

• for ONE specific problem…

• that ONE specific buyer type has.

There is more – thinking – in this approach – but the rewards are more. 

In other news 

  • Accenture estimates that sales via social commerce will grow by a CAGR of 26% through 2025 to reach $1.2T
  • D2C firms like Function of Beauty use quizzes to personalize hair care products and increase sales. 
  • 67% of shoppers believe that high-quality visuals matter more than customer ratings or product descriptions, according to Zakeke.

Online trust building: 

Increasing online trust, credibility, and authority is crucial for faster growth. 

One often missed element is appearing high in search results; it signals confidence to buyers. Potential buyers use Google rankings as a trust barometer. The top three organic (non-advertised) positions on page one of a search result get the most traffic and sales. 

Below is a broad framework for how to achieve this. 

Keyword Research 

The goal is to attract ready-to-purchase buyers.

  • Use SEMrush, Ahrefs, or ChatGPT to find keywords and phrases with buyer intent,
  • Using related terms will help build “topical authority” with Google, which is fancy talk for becoming an expert and ranking higher for a specific subject.  

Create Blog Content: 

Write a 3,000 – 5,000 word blog targeting your top Keywords. Be sure to include the Keyword directly in the:  

  • URL
  • Page Title 
  • Meta Description 
  • Header 1 
  • Related Keyword in sub-header (H2’s) 
  • Alt text for images 
  • Bonus: Customer infographic 


  • Each (H2, H3) sub-header into a 1,000 – 2,000 word article,
  • Include 5-10 internal links to make it easy to toggle between the content. 
  • Embed the keyword-rich links underneath anchor text; Google loves this. 

Acquire Backlinks: 

When another site links to your website — that’s a backlink. 

  • Each site is assigned a domain authority (DA) that determines the value of that link. 
  • The higher the DA, the more helpful the link will be in raising your DA and ranking your content. 
  • The simple way to think of backlinks is “algorithmic votes of confidence”. 
  • It’s the Google equivalent of having a large social following — it just makes everything easier.  

How can you get backlinks?  

  • Create detailed content that other sites feel compelled to link to (data sources, infographics, quotes)
  • Cold email blog editors and trade links or pay 
  • Outsource backlinking to a service provider 

For the vast majority of businesses – it’s time to get an SEO specialist – chat with me – we can help you find the right one. 

Happy Friday. 

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