How one startups revenue grew 300% and they added 2 million new customers

Ariel was 25 years old when he bootstrapped his first online start-up, a web directory of local takeaway menus in New York called, in 2002. 

The website grew to attract 25,000 unique visitors per month. Ariel sold it to in 2009 for a life-changing sum of money.

The new business idea: Ariel loved Southern USA cuisine. He would call Nashville eateries and beg them to ship barbecued meats to him in New York. Sometimes, he was successful — mostly not. 

The aha moment – a food experience – is based on what you love, not where you live | was born in 2013. 

Supplying Iconic foods — 

  • Maine lobster rolls from McLoons Lobster Shack, 
  • Chicago deep-dish pizza from Bartolini’s, 

Products on Goldbelly are handmade by each food maker, packed and shipped from their very own shops or facilities to be enjoyed by customers nationwide.

What happened next? 

  • Goldbelly in 2020 added a million new customers
  • annual sales jumped 300% compared to 2019, 
  • customer database of over 2 million people 
  • employs a team of 160 people and works with over 1,000 restaurants across all USA 50 states — 
  • raised $100 million from investors in May 2021 to propel further growth. 
  • a waiting list of thousands of restaurants wanting to get on board,
  • April 2022 website traffic was 2.4 million views

The struggles 

Ariel’s first challenge was convincing restaurants to commit time and resources to freeze some of their most popular menu items and handing them off to Goldbelly to ship across the country.

  • Nine out of 10 initially told me to f–k off – said Ariel.

Their answer to the Core strategic question – WHY – If I am the ideal buyer, why should I only buy from your business rather than your competitors? 

Goldbellys’ answer: – When you want more than local food deliveries – you can have culinary foods that are hard to get only from Goldbelly – people are willing to pay a premium for popular foods from around the country. 

Their Differentiation – Is to deliver the world’s most magical food experiences, 


Ideal buyer – anyone who has ever travelled to enjoy a food experience. 

Adding a Subscription business – gift or personal use – the best, eats found from all over the U.S.A -$59 each a month. 

Social media use. 

We now live in a Social Selling economy.

ATTENTION is now the most valuable asset today in the world. 

Every industry is changing: it’s a global phenomenon.

The best businesses of all sizes and industries in every country are reinventing themselves to Social Selling to win more new buyers from new markets – faster.

Social Influencing and Selling (#socialselling) – is where your ideal potential buyers walk towards your business rather than your business chasing them. 

Goldbelly social selling success comes from a Youtube Channel – a foodies heaven channel – 

  • featuring interviews with chefs, how they add distinctive flavours, new delights, upcoming new food suppliers – 
  • long-form videos are edited into the most engaging micro-moments 
  • then-posted across multiple social media channels every day 
  • driving traffic back to the Youtube channel. 

Global news 

Finland’s new climate legislation is the new global gold standard.

The Finnish Parliament legislated a new Climate Change Act – that commits the country to carbon neutrality by 2035 and carbon negativity by 2040. 

It is the first country in the world to legally bind itself to negative emissions (emit less than zero carbon dioxide equivalent) 

ACCELERATE – delivers more attention, influence and engagement with your perfect buyers so you sell more. 

  • Get your quick video – how we grew ATTENTION 500x within 120 days – packed with evidence and facts. Just leave a YES in the chat bar below. 

We guarantee 8x more social media posts than you are getting today – find a lower price we will beat it by 15%.  


ACCELERATE – provides a monthly subscription social media publishing + strategy service. 

If you have read this far, thank you for your attention. It means a lot. I hope this helped you even a little bit in better making sense of this topic. If so please share it with a friend who might also benefit from it. 

Thanks for reading, 
